Anarchy N°1 - Group publication and exhibition by ephemere - Tokyo, Japan
Taken from our Open Call #1, Anarchy N°1 is a compendium of black & white images that
encompasses genre, style, and theme. More than 300 photographers from across the globe submitted their work, contributing to an ensemble of picturesque chaos that defines
mono-mania. Anarchy N°1 is a threefold project that celebrates the universal allure of monochrome photography through a group exhibition, a photobook, and a special exhibition featuring
our awardees."
encompasses genre, style, and theme. More than 300 photographers from across the globe submitted their work, contributing to an ensemble of picturesque chaos that defines
mono-mania. Anarchy N°1 is a threefold project that celebrates the universal allure of monochrome photography through a group exhibition, a photobook, and a special exhibition featuring
our awardees."
Read about the project and discover the other participating photographers on ephemere's website:
The subsequent photo book features 143 photographers from different regions of the world.
It's a great pleasure for me to be a part to be part of it.
You can buy a copy here: https://www.ephemere.tokyo/publications/p/anarchy1